
March 25th 2006

copyright don oddy

~ Zeal and Enthusiasm ~

"Make every thought, word and deed such that the impact gives someone courage and zeal and enthusiasm.”

A thought of the day from another source. When we read others thoughts and feelings we need remind ourselves of our own values, principles and beliefs.

When another informs you, tells you, rather than expresses a sentiment which applies to all of us, beware we may be witnessing and accepting a status not deserved or real.

All of us have equal voice and status in this world, we all have equal rights and responsibilities. Best not to assume that another has all the answers for living, better to sift and make good what we see hear and learn.

When I seem to offer truth, assume it is belief, a faith in my feelings and thoughts. Belief is not truth, and I like everyone offer opinion based on my experience.

We can all feel we have found what we are looking for, and the testament of life is we find more by being informed and keeping an open mind.

I am alive today because I failed to find the truth, listened to others and found a new way of living. So easy to be driven by ego and lose sight of all that is offered.

Take everything with openness and be happy to keep the good and discard the irrelevant. And be happy to be misguided, we all are many times in our lives and I for one am grateful for others who have shown me a way to live with joy and sadness as life experience and endeavour dictate. Thank nature for my imperfect perfect existence, a purpose and opportunity to be here a day at a time…

get this gear! -