April 28th 2006

copyright don oddy

~ needs and wants ~

The wealthiest of all are those who are pure hearted.

When we are young, more than anything else, with good parenting we experience love. The love we have as a child is what we learn to pass on when our turn comes for parenthood. Our early life is measured and we never know we are the masters of those measures. We experience and we judge, we perceive and we judge. We learn wealth from the moment we draw breath. And as we are young, we have no real understanding or conscious thoughts to the measures we make. We just soak up and learn, we get good at the measures important to us as we are growing, we develop our wants from life on top of our needs.

Some things we need. We need emotional connection, we need love. We need physical connection, we need food, we need spiritual connection, we need bonds with our world. The wants we have are above our needs, above the basics to make life work. Wants are our learning we remember. We remember we want more, above our needs.

Wealth, somehow we need to make sense of wealth. We live in a world which measures wealth so many ways. So many ways to measure our wealth, we become as confused in measuring as we do about our basic needs and above this, the wants we learn as we grow.

We hear sometimes about the needy people in life, and we feel sometimes needy ourselves. We feel a deficit, something missing, a gap we cannot fill. We are sensitive in need. We feel we have to store what we might miss. We may even be greedy, and how on earth do we know when needy is needy and becomes greedy. Some kind of mechanism drives us to want.

Hunger drives us, physical, emotional and spiritual. Yet we find it hard to make sense what we hunger when we don't know where our need comes from. Is it any wonder as we grow, that life seems to be full of gaps we are forever trying to fill? Do we understand our complicated nature, from millions upon millions of years in their natural development. We are complex, and we find through life a path which brings us to our needs and our wants. And still we would be hard pressed to define exactly what we want, until maybe we find those places where we find peace and contentment.

If this were simple and we were simple beings, everyone would need and want the same as each other. And we find as we go, peace and contentment is never quite the same for two individuals, or might it be so?

Wealth and the pure hearted, its a rare natural occurrence. For all of us humans are full of driving forces. Our peace comes most often when hunger is abated across all our elemental drives. So peace in our nature means meeting our needs on physical, emotional and spiritual planes. If peace and contentment is our aim and wealth its measure, how then is the pure heart the ultimate we might endeavour? Pure heart is a virtue, made good from experience, pure heart is a virtue born out of our history. And when we offer wealth as a measure of our pure heart, we often mix up our notions with our codes of morality. And morality is developed from experience of life. We seek some equality for all in our world.

Our path to these virtues is founded in life. To offer the outcomes as givens can make us forget our own journeys to this place where we measure our wealth. So hard as we grow, we fight with our nature, we drive ourselves mad as we learn and mature in our outlook.

Wealth. And our pure hearts driven like crazy, yearn and desire and make our heads swim, as we make sense of needs and our wants. We devour life if we are lucky and gorge on its plenty, we keep what is useful and let go our excesses. We learn our pure heart. And that is the wealth.

So when we work out our journeys as we look back over time, its the wealth in the journey that enable our pure heart to emerge. And so with experience comes our sense of virtue, our sense of conscience grown out of life.

Simple sayings can drive us to distraction as we feel that gap, the difference between our understanding of what we might aspire, and the experience of life which makes possible our place of peace.

Our sayings are useful and made so by time, our time served learning and needing and wanting, making us understand what they mean. Until we have lived long enough to make us comprehend some sayings and their meaning can be elusive until the end. The end of our time.

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