April 26th 2006

copyright don oddy

~ absolutely fabulous ~

wealth power and infamy

Where is our world today with leaders across the world in many professions influencing our lives? We look to politicians as leaders, we look to our professionals for their advice, we see our folk Heroes in the media every day and all day. We have absolutely fabulous people who make their presence felt in our lives and we listen to them.

And in this world where wealth and power sit together, we are persuaded to listen to what our absolutely famous people have to say about our lives and everything we do and support. We are influenced by Famous people, they may be individuals with a voice in the media, they may be politicians and they may have ideas and solutions we find attractive. What do these people have which gives them so much power over our lives? These people have wealth and power of course. And how often do we ask ourselves if these people who influence our lives are right? In essence we rarely find these absolutely fabulous people challenged as to whether they are right, because they are in the media and they have the power to make it hard to contradict. These famous people speak and utter from their viewpoint, from their experience, and they have most often become accustomed to thinking they are right and we need follow their example.

Absolutely fabulous people are most often thin in their thinking, self obsessed and definitely corrupted by their own vision. Absolutely fabulous people are usually good at one thing only, being themselves, acting, and portraying what they think. Absolutely fabulous people in our media driven world tend to be disabled by their outlook, full of simple ideas and full of rhetoric. The wealthy know their lifestyle, the famous know their craft, the actor, the writer, the singer, the stylist, you name them, they are probably good at one element of life which makes them famous. Few people in the public eye are absolutely fabulous at living, they are still learning like ordinary people like us.

So why do we listen to their views on life? Why do we consider our famous people, famous for their one skill, their only bankable asset, as spokespeople for us all and how we might live our lives? And how is it, they the famous and fabulous think they are right? Do we realise these absolutely fabulous people are ever wrong? And what of our politicians in our world, who in the main have a better chance of understanding our complicated world. Are they absolutely fabulous at being great leaders and spokespeople for us ordinary folks? Are our leaders equipped any better than we are? Our leaders have more information and more to influence our views than we do, but do they do the job fabulously?

Absolutely Not

Look at our world and its leaders and famous people today. Would you consider many of them role models for any of us. When we look into the lives of our absolutely fabulous people, they are really no better than you or me. Absolutely fabulous people have as many faults as the average human being. Absolutely fabulous people have one distinction from us ordinary people we need to remember, absolutely fabulous people have much wealth power and influence because of their position in our minds and a profile in the media. Who are the great leaders in our modern society? Where are the people who will be famous not only in this decade, but for history to record as worthy of note? When we start to look a bit closer at our current famous people, what will they be said to have contributed to this world?

We all need to take a step back when we hear anyone in the media influencing our lives, we need to challenge ourselves and question what we are being told. We need to examine the motives of our famous people and their influence.

Challenge our own and their Views

We need to challenge our views, we need to look at who influences us in our daily lives. We need to remember our good sense and our beliefs. We need to be sure about what famous spokespeople say reflects our feelings and fits with our sense of right.

So often today we accept the views of public and fabulously interesting people as right. We might look closer and see the views of the absolutely in your face, status driven, value laden, self interested and self publicising famous people for what they are. Absolutely fabulous people are ordinary people with a little bit more fame. Fame does not make people have good ideas or the right beliefs for everyone. Absolutely fabulous people have their own particular views on life, based on their lives and their self interest.

When we look beyond the sound bite, the bold statements we hear from famous fabulous people, we might ask ourselves how this impacts on us. Do the absolutely fabulous people of our world live like we do? Absolutely not.

Have faith in your own views and beliefs

We need to challenge and make use of influence in our society. We need to see that what we hear is actually good and sound persuasion. We need more than famous people, professional politicians and speakers on their own agenda, to make our world a better place.

We need to use our own good judgment, we need to use our democracy. We need to challenge anyone and everyone when they stand up and tell us what to do. We need to be democratic. We need open minds and we need a system which enables our voices and not just the famous and absolutely fabulous people.

When we hear their views, when we hear famous people, we need to see their argument and make our own opinions and we can feel good about our views.

Don’t be influenced beyond their measure, take the good and leave the rest to time. Be sure when we are listening, we hear more clearly the absolute truth.

We have a world of plenty, so corrupted by self interest, its hard to see where we go on make this living work. Our human potential has never been greater to make it all come good, we could improve our world with our good judgment when we learn to listen to our conscience and live to our common good.

Until then beware of wealthy friends who live a life we might consider sublime. In essence their living looks fabulous, there words are often fatuous as we all see from time to time.

As fad and craze can drive our views we need to temper what we see and realise with some contempt how wrong our famous people tend to be. They make their mark in a simple way and move to other spheres to influence. So gifted with their power and wealth they do not consider their fallibility, or recognise their ignorance. As good as we may be, so the famous can be too. Yet none of us may be right.

Beware the absolutely fabulous are nothing more than fatuous. Keep true to your own views on life, be influenced by what we learn, not by some silly idiot who thinks they have the key,

And when we hear the laymen speak of all that we might be, be aware they are just laymen and no more expert at life than we. Just use your own good judgment and don’t be led astray. Keep with your good conscience and you will find your own way.

We are all absolutely fabulous some of the time and absolutely fatuous at others. We are never completely right or wrong, we all learn from life as we go. When self interest is obvious our judgment needs to rise, we need to see completely and beyond the media hype. Media hype, bought and paid for by absolutely fabulously wealthy and influential people who stay that way unless we use our good judgment and good conscience and elevate them to our level of ordinary people.

We are all ordinary people, never forget we all smell if we don’t wash and clean up…