
May 24th 2006

copyright© don oddy

~ trapped by myth and fairytales ~

Replace the words "I have to" with "I choose to" and notice the difference in how we feel.

What is life if everything we do is an obligation? It seems that this world is driven mad by values and principles enough. And before we even learn the values and principles by which we live, there is the whole weight of civilisation bearing down upon us in some form which obligates certain behaviour to each and every one.

It is no wonder we get rebellious in our early lives as we realise the utter frustration we can encounter growing into what feels like a predetermined existence.

On top of obligation is the use of prediction and metaphysical type interventions which suggest much of what we might be and do is somehow preordained and determined by some other realm or deity. That we have fortune on our heels which means whatever our endeavour our time is allocated to play out our lives with more certainty than we might wish.

If we are not obligated by some element of our upbringing, then it seems the worlds of the mystical have their intervention, thus squashing any notion that we as human beings have much of any choice.

And where do these fantasy laden mystical types originate throughout history? Of course they were inventions of the ruling and controlling elites who harnessed the control and power of each and every individual so drawn to feel that fortune could smile upon them. And with control assured to good fortune through obligation and the law laid down from those interpreting from on high, the higher powers take on life, humans seem pretty well enslaved to matters earthly through superstition and tradition.

No wonder the notion of choice makes good a fettered life in chains. And we find a way to honour our free will given that everywhere we are shackled to our past.

Is it any wonder we resort to mind altering freedoms that get us in a grip so fierce we prefer our daydreams to the reality that we have little or no choice in this world. For I know I felt trapped all my life by something or another and spent the best part testing boundaries to get my life on track. Turning my hand to anything and everything, my work life never easily tracks a career developed as if intended. Neither academic or labouring, but both and when and where required I have walked a path of any Journeyman so challenged as no fit seemed likely to open up my world to peace and serenity.

As if I sought either peace or serenity in my time. It was never a search or quest even to find the meaning of life. For life is plainly meant for living. The tortures we might enjoy in exchange for rewards and material comfort. Well I played the game. And no wonder we have so many who opt for criminal pastimes as we fight to keep order in our civilised prisons where conformity is paid off in material pleasures and comfort. Strange our bonds to civil living and our need to make good, made so by careful socialisation, now rituals to living and breathing, we feel outcast without our place.

If ever we considered mankind’s lot so deeply day to day we would be driven mad. And in that madness who knows what breakdown might occur, as from top to bottom we recognise the plot to modern media and films like the matrix, where no matter where we exist in the grand scheme of living, not one person sits free from predetermined living, not even those in power or with riches, for their prison is far more the gilded cage of worry and loss.

Freedom is an illusion as we stretch our mind to reach the stars, or is it so?

Where is the beauty in this world, where is our sanctuary from life itself. And where do we find our fulfilling moments amongst the grind and toil? It surely is in living life itself, and experiencing the joy and sadness as it rolls along in day to day dollops we can process as we move along.

It does not matter where and when we take on our human form and make our lives what they will be, its in the journey as we go, that’s where we get our peace of mind, in endeavours hand, as we work what works and make to the good, the best of what this world can be. It simply is a trick of the mind as we unravel all we can of life’s mysteries and make of them what we can. And in a will so strong to change the fabric we have made, we can undo our choices, and make ourselves the victim rather than an exemplar of the modern world and what it does for you and me.

It may seem glib to realise that choices made with open minds lead to our destiny, for indeed we do have choices in this world when we understand some simple rules.

These rules were ever present in this world as nature made them so, no different as man progressed and made confusions in his lot, as argument ensued. Civilised we might become and yet bound by traditions hand, we make good our choices in remembering a simple rule of thumb. From prayers to God in frustration, making acceptance the primary key to living with harmony and peace come these words:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”

Almost a litany, almost anything we do is touched by this philosophy of application and acceptance. The actual roots of these words goes back to the Greeks, the Romans and other Eastern spiritual philosophies of living.

And really it is so simple we man made rebellious types might scoff at the simplicity. And we might rebel against it for we simply do not accept our right size in the cosmos, the planet, the universe. As long as we maintain a height loftier than our real size, the equal of any other, no bigger or smaller, and with a right to exist as long as that might be, I would suggest a day at a time (but I would say that would I not), then these simple rules do apply.

If we do accept those things we cannot change, the immutable, and we have courage to change the things we can, and understanding the difference between the two, we clearly have choice. Choice is no illusion unless we elevate and venerate ourselves to God like beings.

While I still have issues with the concept of God as we might wish to know him, she or it, it does not affect the premise.

And while I can become sloven in my attitude to asking God, who might or might not exist I can interpret the notion and manifestation of God as good conscience.

So in good conscience I can apply my simple rules to living. For in good conscience, there is the connection to our spiritual living. And this is how many of us understand our spiritual path in exclusion from any manmade religious faith to a maker of creation, who generally must be hard pressed for time to tend to his parishioners on a daily basis. I do not disavow faith in God, I disavow its connection to one path to spiritual fulfilment.

All modern religious faiths, they have a history problem and a geographic problem, they exclude past generations and great tranches of people. Spiritual development excludes no one, includes use of our good conscience and promotes peace, harmony and above all, love in all its forms.

So in good conscience letting light into my world I do accept the things I cannot change, gird my loins to find courage to change the things I can and get wisdom to know the difference as my life unfolds daily.

Where we get to on the journey is not really the issue, it is intent and attitude of mind to our choices to make a difference in all good conscience. What better way to live?

So we can throw away our mental hand cuffs, we can throw away unhelpful and binding dependencies, we can be liberated to make the best of what we have.

In this philosophy, our spiritual development is the key. And as some of us have shorter lives and some longer, we might feel we are cheated if we don’t get what we think we might deserve. Ah yes, but. Well there are not buts, for this is about quality living even in the most adverse and difficult situations. Its about accepting those things we cannot change. And something’s we cannot master, we are not immortal and we are very prone to all manner of fatal endings, hence people mistaking fate as predetermined. And the hunkering for predictions of vast riches in this world or another.

The richness of living comes inside us in our outlook. And having had considerable darkness, I would understand anyone feeling their lives have offered nothing but a cheat to a life lost. Not so if we get to our acceptance of reality.

It’s the greatest mistake to throw away an understanding of ourselves in bitter disappointment. It is easy.

And where some falter, through ascetic disciplines and edicts to particular ways of life, they make misunderstandings with modern man and potential restored.

One of my disabilities comes in the form of clinical depression and no amount of medication will offer me a cure. Not amount of other medications will restore other vital breakdowns in my system, yet modern medicine keeps me going and alive. And without those medications life slips from me as if I were already dead.

We get extra time for whatever reason, purists might balk at medicines answers, I welcome them. They enable a spiritual path and continuance of experience. They will not stop my recurring depressions, they alleviate them. And as to the mysteries of life? When depression strikes for whatever length of time, I still can apply my simple rules, and make the best of even the darkest times. And those who know their darkest times and live on with terminal conditions, they often see the light as a precursor to extinction. A bit of a piss take, but we get there even at the last breath.

If only we had gotten there sooner, well there is always the if only’s in life. If only I had loved more, she had loved me more, well it matters not, for in something missing another is found in our acceptance of reality.

Fuck me if I had known this long ago, well the depressions would have been torments as would other experiences, and coming through the other side, a much clearer outcome.

So we learn and make good our day, this precious ever present, present where it may be our last breath, or the beginning of a whole new life…

A day at a time!

Copyright © Don Oddy

trapped by
