Spiritual Language

To create the future we desire we need a spiritual language; we must speak from the heart and in the language of the soul - a language of trust, faith and higher values, of inner growth, love and listening.



July 28th 2006

copyright© don oddy

Stormy Weather

our fears touched as ego drifts to chaos

As our local weather has rendered incapable physically most people with hot and humid conditions, the same can be said for the minds of us overheated folks in the UK.

People are in a state of shock over local conditions and most likely in a state of disbelief and denial over the international news we are continually exposed to with the middle east. What is happening with Israel and Lebanon and the other borders of the country of Israel. And why now? Should there be a start up of violent and protracted aggression on both sides.

Is it that Israel has found need to flex its might and weaponry as old guards change for new incumbents and with Hammas coming into the frame, are they flexing their might too? It’s the worst of all scenarios, where collateral damage is being accepted on both sides. Warring factions and the risks escalate across the middle east, and of course with their allies and aggressors across the world.

There are power shifts and much to occupy all concerned world citizens, some, not many held a mistaken belief that things might calm down. Now we find the retaliation of Bush over 9/11, it comes home to haunt as ever it would.

Outright war is on the cards as sides are marshalling their allies and making hard and fast lines in hard rock of policy. Times are becoming more polarised and the nations of this world are becoming more fearful of outcomes beyond their control.

Winston Churchill said:

"Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events."

And this is what we are seeing more clearly as time passes and more and more nations are pitching in to add their views to International affairs. What started for Tony Blair and George Bush as an adventure in Afghanistan and Iraq is turning more and more ugly. In those theatres of activity, the war is not won, the insurgency and aftermath completely predictable in its nature has come to pass, the world sees chaos growing and wants it to stop. That is the western world who started this nasty and unlawful action.

I recognise fully the reason for the Bush desire to retaliate and put right a wrong he felt. He should listened to all the counsel at his beck and call, weighed the outcomes with options and left his strategy open to different scenarios.

Bush is a mean minded small spirited man, we only have to listen and we find great holes in his thinking and feeling. Same goes for Blair now tethered to his own egotistical stupidity, the poodle and dupe of his own making. Blair is a spent force and must see his untenable position, yet he clings like a drowning rat to a floating barrel in a sea of pain. Blair is an ugly reminder of capricious and cavalier attitudes we British would do well to leave alone.

As a world citizen, like most appalled by events and without the power, I can rant. And at the same time realise that these organs of government and leaders of the free world are flawed. they are merely human and subject to their prejudice and need for recognition. They are the dross of living in these circumstances. They make our world uglier for their actions and their defence of their horrid and nasty actions.

With little wit we could see the outcomes and the Bush and Blair fiasco is spreading to other nations. They all see the power of their bombs over the words scattered so freely over all their complaints.

And what are the complaints? Once we take away property as the cause, there is pure hatred and racism. Racism and religious intolerance. A failure of all to recognise that mankind if it desires may govern itself a particular way and observe whatever balance in its governance it sees fit.

We had the United Nations, to help and assist oppressed peoples. Now, so hide bound in bureaucracy and administration, it can hardly move. And we then had all manner of unilateral interventions, and mostly started for advantage and protection of something or other to do with western interests. We are failing as human beings and as a race overall. As indeed we might have guessed as we plunge back into power games and economic hardship. Leaders and nations are caught in irreconcilable differences brought about by old ways and fears.

Where the UN has failed in its persuasion to the good, is in its operation and not its intent. And where it has failed more successfully, is at the hands of those who founded it, the strong western democracies who set it up to control the rest of the world and the rest of the world has said NO.

Is it any wonder. As arrogant generations have plundered the aims and aspirations of their forbears? I think so, and it is not surprising as we head into this next thousand years that we find the world changing and power shifting elsewhere. The future power of the world looks on and lets us fight stupid fractious battles and gets on with its own business. It does not care for futile and stupid activities which drain our purpose and resources. Real power is getting on with business, quietly and with purpose to its own agenda, and we on the other hand are caught up in all this madness and stupidity.

Wreckage and belief, loss of face and destruction seem our goals as this whole scenario lends itself to more chaos. Out of chaos comes change, and maybe this very need will be serviced in its most brutal form. A form of degradation only humans can inflict on humans, the most destructive force on the planet next to nature itself. And most likely its own nemesis.


"Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events." Sir Winston Churchill.

Copyright © Don Oddy

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