the odd chronicle

February 12th 2006

copyright don oddy

~ flood street sunday best ~

Sunday best at Flood Street, the 11:00am meeting of my fellowship is always well attended. Most likely over a hundred people turn out, come rain or shine. Some have stayed from the 9:00am meeting and stray into Sunday best because it’s a good friendly atmosphere.

Sunday Best where the world turns up and the speaker is always someone we want to hear. Mind you any meeting, we like to hear from the chair about their experience, strength and hope…

Sunday Best for me is about energy. About a hundred people together with a common purpose, to make the most of the day and the week ahead. We say one day at a time in our fellowship and the rest will follow. Our fellowship, a forgiving collection of humanity bent on one element to make the rest of life work, our sobriety being prime.

And today was about energy, its rained all day and the world has a bleak feel from the weather. Dark and damp, yet the energy inside the room is palpable. A group of happy people with good on their side for a change. And the good came through as the speaker laid out a life on the mend, made good by good doings and connection to themselves.

I talk of the ever present present, its not a difficult concept when we live alert and in the moment. But again, alert in the moment is not always where we are. We tend to reflect on past, and on the future possibilities. And we need to heed past and potential for the future, but not to the exclusion of now. Now is the moment we experience if we let ourselves. Now, the present, the ever present present!

I got another clue to the meaning of life, our spiritual journey today. It was connected to now surprisingly, the past of our world religions and the future as we move towards it. Its this thing of creation, of nature and nurture, and of course belief in a God as we understand God!

For me, the understanding with nature and life is pretty much sorted, our connections and intuition would help us believe our purpose and our acceptance of life and death. Our belief in divinity, our belief in a hereafter, our belief in prescience, all emanate from purpose beyond the mere present. Yet the present informs us always about our future and endings.

I am glad of one thing, the ever improving connection with “good conscience”. Good conscience is most evidently our real connection with the intuitive and spiritual beings we all are.

I observe that our God, our Nature and Good conscience are interconnected, that we do have spiritual cores, that God made us the best he/she/it could, as good as them and that we are ever evolving towards and beyond where we started. Our spiritual path develops in conjunction with good conscience that we have evolved, our purpose is ever present, our destination as far as imagination can comprehend, and our guide is our society and humanity. We are the equal of the universe and the universe is meant to be where it is, that we will be forever present one way or another and we will evolve with this universe where it will go.

I observe our gift, our equality with and vulnerability to all elements. We are part of cause and effect as much as any object. Our prescience is the equal of our impact. Our impact the equal of our capacity. Our capacity the equal of our presence, being and journey thus far. Not without purpose, not necessarily the meaning of life, just a participant in this event in this universe.

As important as any other element and of no more importance than any other either. All things being equal, when we are equal to life, we experience every bit of it, joyful or sad, hard or easy, we find peace acceptance of this ever present present.