
May 21st 2006

copyright© don oddy

~ doing our best is good enough ~

“Instead of becoming disheartened by any type of upheaval, become one with a big heart”

Living is not an easy business. We think our lives are sometimes better or worse than our fellows on this planet. And when we make comparisons, we can be surprised at what others have, or more often what we perceive they have, compared to our lot in life.

Comparing anything and everything is a seedy business, yet we do it all day long. Its part of our make up as humans. We sense things and we judge things. We use our senses to pick up information, we use our perceptions, seeing hearing, touching, tasting and our sense of smell. Those five senses are working all the time. And as we use our sensing perception, we judge the information received. We sense we make judgments, we make sense of our immediate environment.

Our existence is as good as our senses and our judgments, and we develop our capacity to do these things as our environments allow. We are reactors at the first step, sense, judge, then react and if we have enough time, we respond. Sometimes in response we delay long enough to avoid a snap judgment of basic evidence, and in response we make a different judgment, so making our outcomes more reasoned and emotionally developed. In all this is our instinct and learning. Instinct to survive and our learning which makes us humans able to develop and change to environment and our living.

Now that’s pretty complex stuff. Add on top our ability to predict from our memory, our ability to make sense our environment and respond differently, well there we have a very complicated machine, a human being, always changing and developing. We don’t even realise most of the time how we are adapting to changes around us, because we automatically change. And even our bodies are doing this from learning and developing.

Is it any wonder we have finite time and we wear out after so many years. That in youth we can feel on top of the world and as we mature and move to our expiration, some average is three score years and ten in our civilised world, we tend to drop off a lot in performance.

We have a problem in modern living, we are living longer because we are more well nourished and able to keep our bodies from withering as fast they might. And at the same time, our minds, that consciousness we have, sometimes it works to the end and sometimes it works part of the way and suffers the impairments which will end all our sensing and judging, and we forget long before we are actually dead. Old age, the erratic endings affect us all differently, and of one thing we are certain, the end.

Upheaval is a part of life, we tend to find it occurs over and over. Some of us thrive on upheavals, because we are used to them and others find upheavals unsettling and unhappy jolts to otherwise static living. When we are cosy in our living, it can be because we are happy, or the fear of change is as appalling as the life we have. Only we know in our own minds how we feel about change.

Yet we can learn to change. And in this intellectually driven monster of civilisation, clever people come up with all sorts of ideas about change and living, and they confound most the rest of civilisation, because they are not even thinking as these intellectuals, they are still thinking about getting enough food on the table, how to educate a child, how to care for basics and how to care for our old age pensioners.

The intellectual elites in our world are full of ideas about driving us forward to better times. Fucking cunts, they are. Ooops a bit of bias in this you might detect. The intellectual notions attached to mankind are as useful sometimes as those who are steeped in the past. As useful as those steeped in religious beliefs which place God ahead of all things mankind, when in fact if we are to believe our scriptures, God put himself last and mankind first, and even provided a heaven when we are worn out or generally fucked by life on earth.

Now I may be a bit dim, and certainly I am maybe least able to judge what is right for society, being only a mere speck a grain of dust in the Universe, but something is wrong with our logic and feelings about our humanity. We are so egocentric in many respects, driven by our environment and limited to our knowledge of the natural world. Where there are gaps we have used imagination to deliver what nature cannot supply. A higher purpose to living.

As we seem able to feel a notion of higher purpose, there must be more to life than this, it does not surprise me that we have sat around the camp fires of life, wondering what more there may be to our living. And I have concluded quite wickedly, that there is no other higher purpose to living, than living our lives as well as we are able.

In a truly spiritual sense our real higher purpose in my opinion and since we seem to be sociable creatures in the main is to provide a comfortable and rewarding existence here and now. No fancy offers of future gratification in an after life, or a sense of purpose driven by reincarnation. Merely to make the best of what we have.

Making the best of what we have certainly means all the noble arts of living and sacrifice have meaning as we are to an extent civilised peoples. We have love driving our primary purpose, love for ourselves and our fellows.

How then do we explain our dreadful behaviour towards each other? How do we explain our elitist attitudes and our unequal status in this world? Simply because we are learning to be human. We somehow set our goals high and have yet to achieve them.

We are humans and learning and full of contradictions. We are pragmatics and above we are selfish rather than selfless. We find ways to mitigate our having and others having nothing. For in all things, we find scarcity in our modern world.

And we strive for static states where we can take a breath and pause, we need rest along the way, which is why upheavals in our history can lead to trauma and crises we would rather avoid.

Becoming one with a big heart is almost regressive in its simplicity, becoming one with a big heart with learning from living could be our greatest asset. If we are able to move our thinking and feeling away from the immediate and see a bigger picture in our minds eye. Maybe that third eye people are often caught wondering about.

I just looked out at my world, there is a moon this early morning. If I were to sit out there on the moon and gaze down at our industry as mankind, I would have a different view of life as we know it. And there is an irony as we move our perception to the purpose of living and our potential as beings. A mixture of our mythology and our desire for importance. And a misunderstanding of our spiritual being, if we are so disposed to this wondering about what our lives are really about.

True sprit of living is simple as can be, its making life work as it presents every day. We can hold off from getting our immediate gratification with the patience we learn from nature and our nurture as well.

Our corruption of truth where we need more to life, its founded most often in our insecurity of value. That in some way there is much to be gained from believing in life hereafter and predictions from faith.

It does not mean we may ditch our beliefs, for faith keeps us going when nothing else works.

And something else which bothers us all from time to time, is our abilities to sense things we cannot fathom. We all have in us a brain so large we don’t really know our true capacities or how we exist, we are blinded by science as it motors on and faith in the future keeps us living beyond. Those upheavals which strike many down, we who survive keep on going with grit and determination where others have gone down. Our survival is and has surely be made good by primal drives in our human make up that are really not understood.

And as to the big heart overcoming upheavals, we all need to get our bearings as we are moved along. Big hearts, big brains, big feelings sustain us beyond those moments where failure had drained.

It comes down to a philosophy of living in the end, which determines our fortitude and ability to see beyond. And when we were younger in all living we know, we made up stories to make life worth living and make ends worth having.

I believe without doubt making the best of what we have, and learning acceptance to keep ourselves safe, helps most of us through those difficult times, when there is no sense to living and living is hard. Some people will argue that there’s more than this life, some others will defy such beliefs and stick with their views of nothing but this one. And some will get on with living as best they can, eeking out as is possible, making the best of what we have.

When we are confused and broken by events which we live, move out of upheaval is hardest to bear. It gets easier the longer we go on, and in sad way we would prefer more time. Which is why myth and legend create other views and help us cope with our modern calamities and loss along the way.

Our senses and perceptions develop with each generation, we confuse often our growth with mystical connotation.

I love the idea that I may be proved wrong, and there is a hereafter for me to belong. I doubt it, and so with strong heart will make the best of what is here for as long as I can. Not easy for sure as now as I age, chronic ailments afflict me and make me aware, time is short for us all and not as we might wish, and still I’ll make the best of the day as good as it can be, and not as I’d wish.

I will help in my community, I’ll canvas for others who need our collective help, I will wish and hope for better sustenance for those we can help. I’ll keep it mankind size as I know we must. We won’t have an intervention on this planet bigger than us unless I have missed something obvious. Except of course for nature, which turns us all out, as we are choking our world we live in without a shred of doubt. Nature will go on long after we are gone, the true survivor of everything, beyond time and of the Universe, Nature hangs on. Nature and God, God and Nature, one in the same, eternal practical and ever changing, just like we may be one day. Powerless beyond belief, accepting what is, evolving serendipity, or and pragmatic until an end, to physics and our metaphysics, what a delight.

Copyright © Don Oddy

