
June 9th 2006

copyright© don oddy

~ hate and love ~

love and hate, we have both inside us or we are not human

Hate, that intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury. Hate, feelings of extreme dislike or antipathy, our opposite of Love.

Feelings, a part of what we are. We have feelings all day long, about what is going on in our world and feelings evoked from our experience of the world and people and things we know, we don’t know. We are so complicated and we don’t recognise so often what we are doing or where our feelings are taking us.

When we are asked how we are, we most often think about it? Maybe, maybe not. Our automatic response to anyone enquiring how we are is for us to offer our answer in a positive, we may most likely say we are fine and thanks for asking. We are programmed to offer the positive, we are actually making it fine for another to come into our present moment and share. Even when we are feeling less than fine, we still say we are ok, and inside a million reasons might make us feel quite the opposite.

From nature we have learned a sign of weakness is an opportunity for another to have power over us, for them to see us as weak and vulnerable, in nature that’s not such a good thing, in nature it might lead to attack and worse injury to ourselves.

We mask our feelings, its nature to do so, until we feel comfortable and can be vulnerable. A sort of instant denial, we deny to others anything is wrong, its our nature to do this. And we are pre-programmed from nature to express our best image, for our best image keeps us safer from harm than any element we might encounter in a wild and dangerous place. Danger lurks wherever we are, we are mindful to not only our physical danger, we are mindful to emotional danger as well. Nature has our denial of truth built into us, in case our weakness makes us prey. And of course that we prey on others, we forget we predators at our peril.

We humans have developed so fast we find it hard to understand our natural flair for living, our already programmed responses to the natural world of dangers. We, all throwbacks to earlier times in human history where vulnerability and weakness lead to life threatening danger. And we would do well to remind ourselves the dangers in the modern world may be just as dangerous if not more so than any in our ancient past. For as our development dictates our animal nature, so civilisation has produced great dangers emotionally and mentally, and as we have come to understand in our spiritual nature too.

From nature and nurture, we have pre-programmed outlooks and similar needs and wants. Our emotions are complex in their development, yet we all have love as our prime gift. And with the gift of love is also the gift of hate.

We seem to have the positive and negative of every element inside us, from the physical to metaphysical, from the explainable natural, to our beliefs and spiritual. We are so complicated it seems if we are lucky to experience a whole natural lifetime, it might enable a greater understanding of our purpose and experience offers wide and varied views about the purpose of living.

Our feelings are so easy if we take them on their face value. We know and instinctively react as if from our nature to our world, at the same time we linger in thought to make more sense and develop our situation. We feel and think all day every day.

Our feeling and thinking is forever tuned into our environment. And we have feelings positive and negative. We feel positive in the right place with right people and things we know. We go to negative, wary, and fearful feelings when we encounter the wrong places, wrong people and wrong types of thing.

Our sense of positive and negative, safe and unsafe, right and wrong is actually elemental and primordial. It is about surviving as long as we can the best we can. And as civilisation is growing faster we play catch up all the time as we are bombarded by safe and unsafe encounters.

We learn to love, we learn to hate and our feelings about the world are reinforced by experience. There are things we feel we will accept and things we feel we will find unacceptable, according to our experience, our nature and something we find hard to pin down inside us. That thing inside us is our mind, our conscience and what makes us unique in our own right. Our conscience to the good, our conscience as it is, and maybe to the bad. Whichever way, we have a conscience, and this is most likely our spiritual connection to nature and mankind and for those who extend their beliefs, to our maker.

So gifted we are with conscience, love and hate and every degree and definition we can relate in between, we find our path in this life. We bring every experience of living into the present moment of now, from our subconscious, and our conscious interpretations of what we perceive. What we perceive fills us relatively with love and hate, our positive and negative reaction to our current world. We are so elemental, we don’t even think about what we are doing, we mainly just do what we do and feel as a consequence. Then with experiences we feel the right way and do what we do as if by magic its the right way.

And with all these experiences we develop our own outlook, our own unique view of our world. We reinforce our feelings with new experience and we select with our preference how we view and respond and most definitely react. We are gifted with power to perceive and keep safe, our insides and our physical well being. We are careless with consequence and learn very quickly safety and dangers we may find as we live through each day.

And as we develop we have our outlooks which value our positives and experiences of good. And we don’t feel right when we find our experiences are set in the negative where fear lurks in wait. We hate our fears as much as their reality, for we feel out of balance and worry about our welfare.

And when we became more civilised and groups and society formed we developed allegiance and protection of our common good. Love of our community and love for ourselves, hate of uncertainty and fear where necessary, to keep ourselves safe.

So when we pin down those feelings inside, which help us to love and understand our hate. Love is in similarity and hate in our difference, we know them and use our understanding to survive.

Hate drives us as profoundly as love ever does. We all have these feelings they keep us aware. We need a balance of loving and hating, our mistake in living is denial of both. We certainly prefer love, it feels more than good, we detest our feelings of hatred, it feels more than bad. And between love and hating we find to degrees the behaviour of others is measured in their conduct.

As powerful as love can be so is our hate, our capacities increase with experiences of living and making our way in the world. We prefer our positive and often deny our negative, yet its still in us and never goes away.

When we encounter our hatred of behaviour in others, we recognise inside us our capacity to their ways. We are tormented by our preferences and will fight to protect our safety and others we love. And when there is danger we an be as fierce as any other animal in nature, even though we might prefer, never to act out so, or fight to the death, yet we do with frequency so alarming in our modern world.

Human development is unique to everyone, our relative abilities and capacities are most influence by our experiences. We don’t have all the choices and freedoms we might wish, we never start at the same place as this world shifts. By accident and happenstance our outlook is formed, and our capacity is affected by environment and by nature as chance makes it so.

What we know as we grow more sophisticated our similarities are so close, with equal chances in life we all have much the same opportunity to grow.

Our philosophies of living and rights of everyone, is assumed by societies and we tend to conform. So we find as civilisations ways to the good and as we develop we impose our collective understanding of equalities less readily accepted as right for us all. Great prejudice exists when we do not understand, that difference is from nurture and nature made us much the same over time.

Good conscience, conscience and bad conscience plays a key role in our outlook, where we share our love of living and develop our fears. What we experience and see, where its contrary to our belief, we develop our hatred so deep we find its root in nature as well as nurture, and we ignore our antipathy with peril when we deny its impact on all of us.

Love keeps us safe as hate makes us war. Both part of our primal feeling and survival through life. We fight with our conscience and put ourselves in peril when we wrestle with our conscience and don’t realise why we are driven. We are driven by self interest if we can but see, and sometimes self interest develops at the expense of others we make less valuable than ourselves.

Much of our conflict in our present times is the world and mankind playing catch up in developing times. Maybe there is never a field with equality, for nature like mankind is never perfect we can see. In old civilisation we threw out the weak, in our modern world we have developed our conscience and make steps to equality.

And in our spiritual development we propose more than ever, the equality of value of every life we encounter. This constant rolling paradox of dilemmas which makes us important and levels our outlook as every living creature is equal too, does not fit with all of us as we are learning in life and in history, development takes time.

So we need more than ever when we feel our love and hate, to acknowledge their purpose and then to debate, not react, try to respond as we learn, look to the good and work our way through, to make good our conscience and how we live through our lives, with every advantage that experience offers not just for ourselves, for all we might encounter.

Where we forget or practice denial, we loose sight what keeps us developing along a path to good conscience. So now as we find whenever life affords us, to examine our ethics and ways life so important. As a human being we have our own outlook, as civilisation we are shaping our world every day. We are the foundation of futures we will never know.

In our conduct as human resources, we need to live well and to our capacities. We are better served when we understand why we behave as we do, and what we prefer and make work. Our best approach for living is to experience our day, this ever present moment counts more than any. For how we feel and how we respond, it impacts forever on all mankind and where we may go. We have our conscience and emotions to help us. We have our thinking to help us make sense. We need these capacities with greater perception as we learn how we as human beings make the best of what we have.

No easy solution to living each day. No easy way to experience our feelings be they love or hate. With good conscience and faith we seem to be more able than ever, and can make our life worth living and those we value equally.

Our prejudice comes from inside and our feelings which we do not like. For what we hate in others, is what we hate in ourselves. We would not like and we might detest, when we are not perfect, and we are not loved. And as humans are apt to practice deception we often project our prejudice on to weaker humans we make our subjects to deride.

In all of our living, however long it may be. We are all subject to nature and civilisations disharmony. And as human beings we perceive every moment, we are making judgement on all we encounter and storing our wisdom away.

In our good conscience we need to be careful how we judge our living, our conduct as much as we judge the rest of this world. For in our own behaviour we are judged by the world. When we accept equality and value, we need to be mindful what this means for us. In our good conscience our collective higher power determines where mankind will end up and how our world survives.

When others argue and prosecute war, in the name of a deity, they simply ignore their hate inside themselves and their ego demands retribution. Hate has its way and takes everyone down. Steps forward and steps backwards we move precariously, we shift balance of power back to nature as many can see. While this may appear as rambling philosophy, with no doubt we can predict our consequences and perils in store.

We have in our collective conscience the power to the good, and equally can self destruct when we hold in judgment and prosecute revenge before we redeem those who act in ignorance and don’t have advantage of learning through nurture what we all might become.

Or we find in the future our denial was complete, mankind has gone from this fragile climate we heat. The world and nature survives and develops, our impact most like forgotten somewhere in the future. Our potential lost in the battle of wits, inside each every one us, who knows where it may lead…

Copyright © Don Oddy



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