
June 17th 2006

copyright© don oddy

~ Cold Fish, Feelings, Love and Close Friends ~

We never really ever know what is in the mind of others. We can listen to others and what they say, and we may get close to understanding their words, and we can be trusting that they use words as we do and we understand them.

We know people express themselves differently, we need only look to our near family to see that some are very outgoing in showing their true feelings and others are more reserved. We know it can hurt to show everything, and we know some people like us the way we are and that we hope some people have no idea how we feel. We may love or hate them, and if they knew, we would be concerned, for we don’t want them that close to our feelings, well not yet and maybe not ever.

We all are strange mixture, with some people we are close and have nothing to say much, with others we say a lot and do not feel close. We feel close and we say everything, we feel distant and share everything because we want closeness. What a mad world we have in relationships!

And it is always changing, we find our closest friend says something we are unsure of, we don’t feel so trusting, we think something is going on behind our backs or worse in front of us, we are unsure. The more unsure we are, the more we are careful what we say and do. And it gets worse, they feel this too and do more of the same to us. It is a mad world for sure.

Delusion and denial, truth and hurt, truth and love. Cold Fishes turn up and we wonder what is going on. Cold Fish, someone who has a face of stone and keeps their feeling hidden most of the time. Cold fishes are everywhere and come to life when we are too much or just not for them. We make some people cold towards us, just by being us, they don’t like what were are. Cold fishes, they may love us or hate us, we most likely never know, they disappear.

We hide our feelings so often in this guarded world where we have nothing but our own mind to rely upon to tell us what is true or not. Or do we rely too much on our own opinion. In some ways its good to keep our own opinion safe, or share it with those who feel like us. But we run risks of never knowing the complete truth of anything on our own. Isolation only works when we are on our own and that is quite rare for most of us have to relate to someone somewhere…

It is a confusing world. But when we look at each day afresh and hold to truth will come from connection to others we find a path.

Others and ourselves, we give ourselves away. We might be angry sometimes and wonder if we give too much away. Yet it is better to be open I would argue when we assess our risks well and keep good our connection to truth.

When we don’t check things out we will find great problems, we assume much and make reality out of imagined connections and incomplete memories.

We see and hear and feel much of what we want and don’t see hear or feel the bad, we deny it happens and we are forgetful simply when things are not working as we might wish. We are human and have great capacity to recall our imagination and the truth.

We best feel our way with care, or feel the pain of our imagination more than reality itself most often.

Keep faith with truth and connection, or we may find our minds are full of rubbish which makes us assess our living on ancient pasts and memories so lost to fiction, we may be too, better to be careful wanderers and keep faith with faith itself, and let reality bite as bite it must today and every day…

Copyright © Don Oddy



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