
June 19th 2006

copyright© don oddy

~ Masters of the Universe ~

Attitude of Mind is our Universe

Ever hear someone talk about people with attitude. Attitude is a strange word describing a person and their current feelings about a situation. The situation is most like connected to people, places and things. Their attitude to this situation can be governed not only by the current situation they experience, it is governed by a lifetime of wisdom and memory.

We are all the same in this respect, we all have attitude and attitudes to situations, we all experience the feelings that something is intrinsically good or more concerning, intrinsically bad. We have senses nature gave us to be aware. Attitude comes from our feelings to the good or bad. We are sure of our feelings and we spend time to check them out when we experience new which sets off feelings, especially insecure ones where fears lurks behind our curiosity.

Our mind, the sum of all our experience, forever sifting and looking through an encyclopaedia of memories. We have every experience memorised in some form or other. And as humans we add our own feelings to the experience.

As two people from completely different backgrounds experience the same event, a civilised 21st Century cosmopolitan and a natural world citizen, the experience is not different, the attitude is completely different. An eclipse of the Sun by the moon as seen by a modern intellectual, is to see a natural event explained by science, will see an eclipse as a natural phenomena, a spectacle, predictable and completely explained. Whereas a natural world citizen with no experience and no science may have a different attitude, that the event was not predictable, that the event has portents of good or doom, we do not know. The attitude to the same event leads imagination in both to go different paths, one to science and wonder and the other to wonder and suspect, to employ superstition for explanation.

And so a natural wonder to one is a portent from God for another. The range of reaction and response kicks off a completely different set of events. One from the view of comprehension, the other from a view of ignorance.

Our relative knowledge makes our imagination spark and fly in different directions as we know more or less of what we experience. As man travelled the earth centuries ago, he was convinced the world was flat, he knew no other way to see the world and was forever wondering where it would end and would he fall off one day. The same feelings we experience every day to an extent, where we suspect and evoke superstition when we have no evidence of safety. Our mind forms an attitude to keep us safe and cautious, then our mind can speculate and hypothesise and make bigger the danger, the portent of something we imagine so clearly, we convince ourselves imagination is true.

And as imagination, our gift of safety works across time and generations, we build mythology and embellish our imagination to concrete belief and faith, and to where we meet our superstitions in our dreams. Is it any wonder as we humans are so similar, that myths and legends abound so similar, that we have God, that we have our place in the cosmos, that we are part of a natural order and connected beyond time itself. Our attitude from reality, gifted with imagination, far, far beyond natural science where metaphysics meets science on its own terms and our drive to eternity takes us beyond.

Humans gifted beyond belief, and as we might suspect as open to suggestion as any hypnotist will endorse, to need belief and want immortal connection to this life force we call Universe.

Our universe, as big as all we are and more. For what we do not know is not merely a puzzle, it is our living to explore boundaries and find sense where no sense drives us to imagination.

Our attitudes to simple day to day forms our outlook to find the good and the bad in our living. Our attitude to a common event and abnormal events is so dependent on our faith and knowledge, we find it hard to give credence to a flat world becoming round, that our lover will be ours for all time, that we will ever grow old and die, and yet we do and don’t, according to our beliefs and faith.

What we know, we revere and hold in esteem, what we don’t know, we shroud with suspicion and make rituals to keep ourselves from harms way till harm is explained or harm is lost in knowledge. Ah, so complicated are our fears and we suspect our truths so well that ritual adorns all life till we find our natural explanation acceptable. And we find our attitude to death most difficult to resolve, as death surrounds all life and all seasons, our rituals are strongest with our most worrying end, our finality beyond which we fear there is no step to take. Fuelled by the draw of imagination, the gateway to life and its conclusion is cause indeed for superstitious celebration.

Attitudes, of the gifted intellect and attitudes of the gifted without the benefit of science, they lead us to different understandings, beyond the words and wisdom of ancient mystics.

Our modern lives littered with faith and beliefs we are handed from generations past. Mankind chained to its metaphysics, is science of the unexplainable mixed with every natural desire for life and love. We are so imbued, we are so gifted to break patterns which explain our deepest fears and move to the realm of natural science where explanation shudders our inner peace with truth least acceptable, that death itself is our final touch. It is no surprise to me that there is a heaven not only on this earth, but in the Universe beyond our current existence. To doubt that which I do not see or know for evidence is scant, there is life after expiration and our vessel of this state of being…

We form our attitudes as masters of this game, of speculation in everything we touch and sense, as our conscious minds touch surface, our subconscious touches all we are and were, and imagination offers our inside science all it might become. See how our gift of intellect helps our feelings form to coincidences we hold deep inside as memories sort to order where they will, as surely our will to the good and living offer our best solutions. And our dark, the fears that dwell so deep and keep us safe in daily living spill into the beyond where there is no mastery, just blind faith and trust in imagination to guide us to our realms beyond life’s toil.

For hope makes good where reality makes us doubt that life is worth the effort. Our hopeless dependence on feelings drives a wedge in reality. We form our real living from a patina of living our past and the wisdom taught from our teachers who knew as much of life and their teachers before them. Of course refined to suit our spirits need to find acceptance in our doom. Taking the best and worst to engage in memory and fit with future living, we forever gifted deluded human beings stumble with a an attitude to living formed in visions and envisioned till reality makes it so. No wonder we hold to the thrall of safe predictions and our worst nightmares, that death concludes and ends in peaceful harmony, or in the misery of hapless living as delivered, without purpose beyond the moment of experience. So true and yet denied for its truth rings hollow to the paucity we may have in living the dream of life itself.

Our gift of creation keeps an attitude of mind which enables endeavour and solace in our battles fought in day to day. We keep faith in our future in our suspect, that one we cannot see, that one who made us so and Universe attests to their existence, for without them, we cannot conceive a purpose or indeed the very necessary spark which keeps faith with progress in everything we do.

Indeed we need balance and as some might offer to help our attitude, that we might make use of what we have to best advantage here and now, and make good our living in this present moment, for it will not come again. Not for us ever again as it happens now. We form the future as we make our evidence for our generations to come, and make their lives more modern than we ever have. And yet their pull will be towards us for those things we can never explain, and reassurance that in myth, our answers are complete. Until that moment where our clarity meets Universe as equal partners and imagination is gone, what then?

An attitude of mind is best. We keep safe with faith and spirit set in hope and trust to purpose and our universe as known. An attitude of mind as powerful as science in our endeavour to experience our living. And our pact with human kind to make good living in equality, our charter to our clan, our family and genus, mankind’s legacy beyond our flat earth and natural world where life is spent as seed.

Nature is Universe, as Universe has the last word, never spoken or expressed in silent contemplation takes our existence with a pinch of salt, and timeless shifts to different states beyond our realms where Universe speaks to its God.

Copyright © Don Oddy



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