
June 21st 2006

copyright© don oddy

~ Love ~

Theory and Practice - Feeling and Experience

Inside us we are so complicated we never really get our gifts of living until we need to examine our world when things most likely go wrong. We are animals of nature and nature makes good our gifts of living in experience. We rarely know why we enjoy and make good experience keep on working for us, we see the gift of living as natural. We feel our joy in the day and are so careless most often, we don’t take time to wonder how it happened, we are too busy in our feelings to notice.

We are creatures who are driven to experience, desires run our reason for living and living can ruin our feelings as easily as we discard the joys we store as we move along. We feast on life, crave more when we feel a gap inside us like a hunger we know from food. We are quite basic consumers of everything we encounter, a vacuum absorbing, grazing and sucking dry our environment and then moving along for more. Hunger for elements, thirsty always, we stop long enough to rest and sometimes find rest need wait as we devour life. Rapacious to the last we consume all and everything and we don’t think much about the reasons why, we just do it.

As if endeavour was built in, the human mind with capacities we know and more we cannot yet fathom, we are new to this world every moment and every moment a source of opportunity. We have the blight of time, as time makes us full as we travel along, taking account of what we know and making our journey easy. The automatic living we do, from day to day taken care of by a consciousness which ensures we breath and perform so we can get on with the job of living our experience, to make good our enjoyment and satisfaction.

We practice life over and over and think. We get good at finding what we need and want. We can divide need into what makes us tick, the basics of living. And the wants from life, we put our desires into our wants, wants drive us above basic needs, making us hunger beyond our needs. We most often want more love, for love, for ourselves and others is our prime drive and what we put most effort to achieve as we live.

We live love and think love. We arrive ready for love, and nature affords us love first from our parents and then we move on as we socialise and make more connections, we make friends and extend our love beyond family. We have love on our minds always and never consider living without it. Love of self keeps us safe, and love of others safer when we find it. And our world is full of love.

Our need of love and wants of love, so difficult to define, for our relative expression and receipt of love is governed by our world and our experience. Love does indeed make our world go round, and yet we are most often shy and circumspect in its pursuit.

Love, that which sustains, and that which kills, drives and governs most other feelings we develop. Feelings and capacities for feeling are developed from our experience, we make our patterns of love from what we learn and our learning shapes the way we love ourselves and others and how we are able to be loved right back as the world offers.

Love is rarely matched between humans, we develop our loving capacities and experiences. We learn and think and feel and learn some more. And what we consider love to be is simply what we know and desire. Some love we feel is acceptable, some love we desire is not, civilisation and nature form our patterns of loving. And as we think and feel we get good at acceptable love and avoid loving in unacceptable ways. Yet desire and greed can make us driven to love what we cannot have as much as love what we can.

And we developed conscience of loving, and loving conscience continues to develop through our living. We think love all day and every day, we experience love in all its forms and continue, forever developing and experiencing and thinking love. So automatic, we most often only feel it missing when there is dramatic loss, carelessness in our loving, or pursuit of unacceptable love, or our misunderstanding about love of or from others.

Heartbreak, that is where much thought and time is spent in our examination of love. We are preoccupied with its impact on us, our confidence and our ego. Ego most often impacted when we get breakdowns in our needs and wants, undermines our confidence in life and makes life hard.

Ego, that place where we drift, the drift to ego where love is lost in painful unfulfilled yearnings, our unrequited gnawing hunger as violent as can be on our confidence in living can torment and shape our living as nothing else and make our world distort to satisfy a starving mind.

Ego’s drift from confidence where love works for us, to that tower of intellect inside where we determine through force of will to make our world strong and safe from harm. Ego’s drift, the bastion of hurt most like no other force to fill, drives with violent ends to meet our inner depths where love is lost and a chasm yawns with bottomless emptiness, our personal hell in ego’s drift.

We wonder at our capacities to examine our desire, as if driven to a world of hurt when love is missing in our world. Our madness in the drifts of time when love sleeps in others minds and ours is empty to its warmth. Joyless times as thinking drives our minds to make good our hunger where self will determines how we live in starving isolation, indeed that is our hell on earth.

Ego’s drift as our will determines what our fate may be and how we make our experience of life fill this empty void inside. Ego grows with rapid jolts to keep us safe from gripping fears as we sense in our mind love is lost. Nothing seems to satisfy, as our force of will to beastliness contrives. Indeed we drive with madness to our ego’s drift and charm the world to make it love us, our intellect so driven to make us powerful and keep safe our inner self, from harm imagined and harm felt as any dagger made of steel would pierce our confidence in life itself.

Ego comes to help us all, our friend indeed, as we cannot grasp our confidence of being ourselves. And where in our inner confidence for life provide that need for love in all its might and keep us to the good where conscience finds its peace.

And in our living and our thinking we develop as we may. Our drift to ego is most plain to see when confidence is lost and love is barren deep inside. And our ego plans and plots, develops and contrives, where nature offers the best rewards if only we could see. Blind will and prejudice grow strong as fear grips the pure of heart, and corrupts with dangerous effects. Our confidence in our loving gone and ego bends our world to make good our violent deficit inside and as a consequence of darkest skill, kills love, stone dead.

Ego’s drift and intellect, our safety and our crime of passion spent, if only we might see, offers nothing for our confidence and peace of living.

How do we keep our path as in our living we may journey to good conscience guide, or to another path determined in our mind to fill that chasm deep inside. Our choices made as intellect develops to keep us safe and from harms way can work against our nature and our opportunities. To experience love complete and not obedience to will as mankind ever grows and contrives to bend this world as if in mastery, love never comes to those who contrive its end without enough experience.

If we can hold our faith in living and our be the equal of our loving, most likely we experience the joy unfold, where ego’s drift demand as right, unlawful ownership of experience we see in others eyes. There is no joy in ego’s drift, merely superficial relief as unjust rewards are demanded as a right, for love itself has no ownership as if it were a property.

Practice and experience make good our relative domains of love. With everything we do, we make our dreams comes true with open mind and confidence we avoid the trap of ego’s drift and safe from man made will. When we find our experience is felt as day to day we understand our capacity can grow to love and be loved without will, we surely realise the truth and in its revelation make our choice and our destiny. Or self will holds to ego’s drift where nothing ever feels complete and madness fuels the tortured mind.

Love and ego’s drift determined by our environment and wisdom gained in experience of life. Our destiny made in choices beyond our reason and our intellect, in our conscious development and facing up to truth of now, the ever present curse of now, this present, present moment, and conscience knows the difference.

Copyright © Don Oddy



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